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HomeBio - Brewer

Stacey Brewer, MSN, RN, OCN

At Large Board Member | Roanoke, Texas

Stacey Brewer lives in the Dallas/Fort Worth area of Texas and has spent the bulk of her 29-years nursing career caring for patients with cancer at every stage on the lifespan continuum. She worked as a chemo infusion nurse, and she spent six years managing and developing a program for patients receiving oral oncolytic therapies.  the past decade, she has worked as an Oncology Educator in the Pharmaceutical Industry. 

In 2016, when her husband’s beloved Aunt Kathy died from stage IV ovarian cancer, Stacey felt a sting calling to work for a company supporting gynecological cancers. In April of this year, she achieved that goal. A few weeks later, Stacey attended her first SGNO conference, became a member, and put her name in the hat to be a Member-at-large. Who knows where she’ll end up next! 

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